Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties
Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties

Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties 1

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties

Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties
Pop Star Party for ages 8 to 16

Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties

Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties
Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties

Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties 7
Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - parents voting honestly!

Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties 4
Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - red carpet shoot

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - receiving the finished CD

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - voting by the kids

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - in the outside areas on the swing

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - starting the party with a cheer

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - playing the instruments

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - laser time

Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties
Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - laser disco

Pop Star Party 22a
Kids by banner

Pop Star Party - Control Room Club
Group pic in the control room at BB Studio - we provide hats, wigs, glasses, mask, accessories and chaos - you don't have to use it or you can bring your own ideas.

Pop Star Party - Posing in Pop Star Parade
Pose time on the red carpet in Pop Star Parade - our purpose built room with a red carpet up the corridor. Through the door into our green screen filming room. With 7 rooms in the party venue there is so much do.

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties

Laser disco
All parties end with a laser disco with gallery viewing of all pictures taken on a screen in the disco room

Pop Star Party - adults!

Pop Star Party

Choreography at Pop Star Party
In such a tiny amount of time it is amazing what can be achieved sometimes. In it's simplest form if all the group do the same thing we have an organised group - or choreography. Sometimes this can lead to some fantastic routines which end up in the videos - just imagine how cool things would look if you have a prepared routine before coming to the party! Hint hint!

Hats, wigs & glasses
Sometimes when we run the photoshoot kids will want to wear some of our stuff - or all it even!

Graffiti at Pop Star Party
Everyone loves writing their names on our white boards and leaving messages for the party person - or sometime the organisers - we like that too!

Red carpet or green room?
Pop Star Parade does some weird things depending on which lights are on in there - we have strobes, ultra-violet, spots, LED and lasers packed into this corridor - and the best thing for the kids is ... no windows!

Themed Parties are fun
Halloween or Easter, Christmas or Holy Communion, Hannukkah or Diwali - we can run a party themed for you.
Art on display at Pop Star Party
This amazing picture of pop icon Jessie J was drawn for us by an amazing artist from Swaddlincote in Derbyshire. Steve has drawn for heaps of people including Annie Lennox and we are really honoured to have this piece on display. Priceless pencils at Pop Star Party!

Temporary Tattoos at Pop Star Party
Introducing the temporary tattoo - these little red stars last a couple of weeks and are a great lasting memory of your party - grab some when you arrive.

Birthday cakes not included!
We absolutely love all the different ideas parents come up with for the cakes they bring to the party. Rosa wanted mics & ice cream cones and she got them! Design your own cake but make sure we get a pic of it before you cut it.

Pop Star Party Hoodies
Hoodies are available on request before the party

Strike a Pose!
This is an old picture taken around 2010 and yes it appears that we did have a toucan beach towel on the wall back then! Things have a changed a lot since then when we first started running kids parties - but the fun gets more and more.

Disco divas at Pop Star Party
Dance, do gymnastics, throw some moves, breakdance, rap off, do what you like, even Dad-Dance but get into our disco room with smoke and lasers and let yourself go - the kids do!

Whats current at Pop Star Party?
If its emojis or mannequins in the pop industry news, then we will be giving it a go at the party if you want to!

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - parents judging their kids!

Singing at Pop Star Party
Singing is fun - even if you don't actually want to sing, you can be involved in everything we do at your Pop Star Party, but if we spot you are a great singer then sometimes we let you do a solo!

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Pop Star Party Pictures from Parties - Scam Me Cards

Booster Buffet at Pop Star Party
Kids need fuel. The booster buffet is designed to be a fast feast of finger food! No time to waste we have a pop video to make so eat up and lets get filming!

Puzzles at Pop Star Party
Theres no downtime during our disco's but should one of the party pals need a break theres still plenty to do with puzzles scattered about the venue - little brains need exercise!

Creative Art to Inspire at Pop Star Party
Nothing is ever too old to be blinged up which is why at Pop Star Party you will not only see regular instruments like guitars, flutes & drums, but you will see horns and stringed instruments converted to artwork - your party is a 100% experience.

Pop Star Party - You can pose but you can't hide!
Lost in the moment using the many colours of Pop Star Party Parade

Laser show at Pop Star Parade
After the recording & filming, all the party pals enjoy a disco using 2 rooms with smoke & heaps of lasers in all our rooms

Dressing up is extra cool
If the group is pre-styled then it can make the photoshoot even more cool and the video will look even greater too - make your day special with a styled look!

Pop Star Parade
Our red carpet corridor is legendary and almost everyone young or old, new or famous wants their picture taken in here - selfies are popular now too!

Booster Buffet at Pop Star Party
We all enjoy a good munch after recording a song and our fast finger food is set out so everyone can enjoy a bite before racing back in to record another song

Works of Art at Pop Star Party
in our spare time we convert old retired instruments into eye catching works of art - Sometimes we keep them and sometimes we sell them.

Pretend at Pop Star Party
Singing is believing! Everyone likes to dress up and look cool - or crazy - or both.

Pop Star Party Certificate of Excellence
Available after the party on request

You put your left leg in
Or arm - either way you want to grab a temporary tattoo whilst at the party.

Red Nose Day at Pop Star Party
OK so our lower age limit is 8 but when my daughter turned 7 she insisted she had her party at the barn - well i couldn't turn her down. Awesome job girls!

Temporary tattoos
Why not? - this gang did and totally rocked their gig!

Pop Star Party Pop Princesses
These girls have become the iconic image of all our parties since they really defined themselves and even braved the snow for some very special pictures. Here they are shown outside the studio extension on the decking overlooking the farmland.

Snobs Limo's at Pop Star Party
We particularly like Snobs Limos from Coventry because they were amazing when we required a limo to drive to London in when filming a pop video for our signature song Jubilation Nation, recorded at BB Studio for the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebration.

Punk hair at Pop Star Party
Hats, wigs n very cool shades - we have heaps of accessories and for some reason everyone likes dressing up - even the adults ... oh yes you do!!!

Teenagers at Pop Star Party
Teenagers start at thirteen and run all the way up to nineteen. Some people never stop being a teenager and some teenagers don't like being teenagers. However, teenagers have some of the best parties with us at Pop Star Party. Mocktails at the ready and attitude aside, if you want to be cool you need to do it your way - teenagers rule!

Cake Competition
We ran a competition once for best dressed cake and it was amazing what people brought along - this is a real simple design but great for many reasons - well it's got our logo on for a start!! Top work.

Laser laser on the wall
Erm its a laser not a mirror - don't look directly at the lasers people!

Booster Buffet - Food for fuel
Minimum 10 items of food are required to feed hungry voices, plus juice and great conversation. That's our standard anyway!
Rate that solo
Sometimes when a birthday girl or boy is singing their solo we will ask the audience to rate that solo - this one must have gone well!

Tickets please
If your names not down you're not coming in!
Make your own ticket or invite your friends along with our standard issue invites - but get to the party on time!

Wigs and Hats!
This group loved dressing up

Sing like your a winner
Grace shows her group how to pose - like they need any clues lol.

Da Dahhhh
The day our wonderful new banner arrived - thanks girls.
CD of your songs
All party peeps get a CD of their songs

How to shoot a limo?
Any advice greatly welcomed - they are a tad long. Why not book a limo to bring your pop stars to the studio - we do prom parties and special celebrations you know!
Hen Parties at BB Studio
Aaaaaand stretch - arrive in style. Limos are quite a common site thesedays at the farm - fortunately the farm was dry on this occasion and the driver didnt go back with a muddy limo lol. Hen Parties are quite popular - see Pop Celeb Party under Other Parties in the navigation menu.

Room Signs at Pop Star Party
All our rooms have names - this is the sign outside the food room which we named 'Jessie's Pout - the Party Hangout' - as ya do! Creative curiosity

Boys enjoy singing at Pop Star Party
This was taken at one of our first ever parties. Boys bouncing off the walls and thoroughly enjoying all our hats - a lot has changed since then but we still have the hats!

Halloween Songs
OK - who knows any?

Invites from Pop Star Party
On paying your deposit to secire your date we will send you out some invitations

Graffiti or artwork?
We say art - if its unique its art!
Pop Princesses at Pop Star Party
These girls have become the iconic image of all our parties since they really defined themselves and even braved the snow for some very special pictures. Here they are shown outside the studio extension on the decking overlooking the farmland.

Flyers for Pop Star Party
Grab a copy of our flyer and give it to a friend or just keep it and bring it with you next year!

Hoodies are hot - or cool!
Pop Star Party has hoodies - order them before your party for collection

Rock Star Party
Rock Star Party is a brand of Born in a Barn Studio (BB Studio) based in Warwickshire on a lovely farm just outside Ansty, near Coventry!! We are easy to find especially if you check our contact page for directions.

Pop Celeb Party logo
Pop Celeb Party is a brand of Born in a Barn Studio (BB Studio) based in Warwickshire on a lovely farm just outside Ansty, near Coventry!! We are easy to find especially if you check our contact page for directions.

Pop Star Party logo
Pop Star Party is a brand of Born in a Barn Studio (BB Studio) based in Warwickshire on a lovely farm just outside Ansty, near Coventry!! We are easy to find especially if you check our contact page for directions.